Friday, December 18, 2009

FAQs of Life

Don't be fooled by the title. I am not presenting a self-help guide to the art of living. On the contrary, it is a ventsheet (I should not crib if Oxford people sue me for using non-existent terms).

Have you ever noticed how certain questions are posed to us so often, we might as well publish and distribute answer pamphlets. In fact, I have made a list of my favorite 'most-hated FAQs'. (Don't tell me you don't have yours.)

The one that tops the charts, however, straight away is 'so, when are you getting married'. Anyone who has celebrated the silver jubilee of their existence will testify. Anybody asks it. Everybody asks it. Some country our's is -- even people you meet for the first time -- in train/bus/airports would not think twice before dropping the bomb on you.

This question really bugs the Jeezuz (also, Allah, Krishna and all other Gods, since I respect all religions equally) out of me. My most obvious response to this FAQ is -- to whom? My Luggage Bag? (In past ten years it has been my most faithful companion. The most constant one too. Whoever said change was the only constant, HUH!)

My second most obvious response and FGA (frequently given answer) is -- why don't you suggest some options. This is often followed by a sheepish 'you must be having someone' by the questioner. (Sorry Oxfordians!) To which, the questionee (fine sue me), me in this case responds with a helpless shrug. (Silence is Golden is an understatement of all times -- it's Platinum, it's brilliant, it works.)

Finally, the questioner gives a last 'you are hopeless' glance and that is the end of the FAQ session.

What leaves me astounded is the obvious authority with which people present such questions. Recently, I was venting out my distaste towards FAQs to a close friend, when she further enlightened me. "You think, being married it is any more easy for me? Complete strangers ask me when am I planning babies."

WHOAA!!! People actually ask THAT???

Aren't these supposed to be VERY VERY personal questions? Since not many people believe so, I have (shamelessly) prepared a list of crazy FAQs along with (even more shameless) answers.

At Age 5-10

FAQ: What will you become when you grow up?
FGA: Anything but a nosy FAQer like you. Now may I resume my game please?

At Age 12-17

FAQ: It is your BOARD YEAR. Nervous?
FGA: I won't be if YOU would be kind enough to not remind me of it.

At age 16-23

FAQ: Got any BFs/GFs
FGA: Yes, and you, my dear total stranger, are the first person I wanna share it with.

Age 25 onwards:

FAQ: So, when are you getting married?
FGA: Why don't you suggest the date/To whom, my luggage bag?

FAQ: When are you having babies?
FGA: Whenever you are ready.

Dear Readers,

Please suggest if you have got any better responses, considering that such FAQs come from people you barely know.




  1. it doesnt end with when you have a baby.. next one is "when are you going to have your second baby?"

    then next one is "you have 2 daughters, you should have one son too"

    then next one is "you have 2 sons, should have a daughter too?"

    then series goes on...
    and then ultimate most painful one is "when are you going to get your daughter married?should we suggest some good guy?"
    "when are you doing to marry your son?should we suggest some girl??"

    bottom line is..
    "kuch to log kahenge..logon ka kaam hai kahena.."

  2. some other irritating FAQ's

    when ur mum or dad is a doctor and u r one too
    1.oh! u went into ur parents' field?
    when ur mum or dad is a doctor and u r not one
    2.why didnt u go into ur parents' field?
    when u r living away from ur home
    3.when will u go home/how often do u go home?
    when u r in the pre-final year in college
    4.have u been placed/ when is the placement starting?
    more like this. :D

  3. Thanks Karpa and Rishi... for making me feel I am not the only one... hey u both mentionedf the FAQS, tell ur (ideal) FGAs as well na . . .

  4. some thing i also wanna add -
    1- Hey, ur new dress is good bt dont u think u r having some extra ponds, why dont u go for the gym...?
    ans. - yes! u r right my friend, today i m looking nice, i know this, and u wanna break my confidence, go to hell..

    3- boss- u done well but why u dont take any help for ur team mates?
    ans - team-mates? yesterday u said to me that this is ur responcblty to do on time?

    4- why u r writing poetry, this is a time to read economics and write on those topics..
    ans.- ok, i'll do that, when u'll write a correct sick-application to boss.

    5- have u ever done "sex"?
    ans- i have my own sex, nothing to be done...

    Vaibhav A. Srivastava
